White Knuckles Productions

I finished my documentary SHIP OF MIRACLES and have started submitting it to film festivals, agents, and distributors.  I hope it will be seen by people all around the world.


BREAKING NEWS: I am very excited about our company Inventive Productions, the Autobiography Company (www.inventiveproductions.com ) located in Redmond, WA. We specialize in video biographies for both individuals and companies.


BREAKING NEWS: The IDA (International Documentary Association www.documentary.org) is the fiscal sponsor of my new documentary "SHIP OF MIRACLES." (see www.shipofmiracles.com)


BREAKING NEWS:  My short film "DUCT TAPE" was selected as an Official Selection of the Festival du Cinema de Paris.


BREAKING NEWS:  My documentary "UMATILLA" won the Silver Award at the Worldfest Houston.  


BREAKING NEWS:  My documentary "UMATILLA" is now available for sale on DVD at  Amazon.com


BREAKING NEWS:  My first novel THE DIRTY DEED has been published and is now available on Amazon.com


BREAKING NEWS:  My second novel MY KIDS has been published and is now available on Amazon.com


BREAKING NEWS:  My third book BONUS TIME AND OTHER SHORT STORIES was published in the Fall 2006


BREAKING NEWS:  My fourth book THE BRILLIANTS AND OTHER SHORT STORIES is scheduled to be published in the Fall of 2009.


BREAKING NEWS:  My fifth book BEAT YOUR BOSS TO WORK--SECRETS TO A SUCCESSFUL CAREER IN SALES is scheduled to be published in the Fall of 2009.



Email Rj at rj@inventiveproductions.com
