White Knuckles Productions


I am currently writing a book and creating a documentary about my quest, search, and goal to meet and hear from every person in America with the last name of MCHATTON.

Here is an outline of my project: 

1.      Contact every person in America with the last name of McHatton

2.      Ask each McHatton in America to write and send me a short biography of their life that can be included in my book

3.      Ask each McHatton in America to include a small picture that can also be included in my book

4.      Attempt to personally go visit and meet every McHatton in America.

5.      Attempt to personally interview every McHatton on video

6.      Take the footage back and edit together a documentary about the McHattons of America and my experiences meeting everyone.

My goal is to really learn about my heritage first hand by meeting all the McHattons in America.

If you are a MCHATTON, please send me a letter or email me your biography and please include a photograph.

Thank you very much for your help with this exciting project.

Warm regards, 

RJ McHatton

White Knuckles Productions

Cell 541-610-5053

Email movie@whiteknuckles.com

Website www.whiteknuckles.com